Vague Questions, responded to Vaguely

I want to state that somebody emailed me — recently, even! — asking if there were a great deal of patterns with sweetheart necklines around. such as this one, above. except she didn’t understand the term “sweetheart neckline,” as well as perhaps just stated “a gown like today’s dress”? Which means searching for it in my email archive is futile. Anyway, if you asked, this is my answer, as well as it is offered from miss Helene’s for $9.99, as well as it’s a B37, so have at it!

Another Lisa (not Lisa at miss Helene’s) wished to understand why her completed stitching jobs always look “homemade” to her eyes, when she compares them with garments she sees in the store. She states she’s not an strange size, as well as she utilizes better-quality materials than the store-bought stuff, so why don’t her garments look better?

My vague response is that it’s most likely the pressing: I discover that whenever I make something that looks at bit off for some undefinable reason, it’s since I rushed with the pressing-seams bit. The more time I spend with the iron during construction, the much better stuff looks. however I admit that’s a vague response as well as it might be any type of number of things, so if you have a much better response for Lisa, please let me know!

The last concern for the day is from Lynn, who wants tips on exactly how to organize her Brand! New! Sewing! Room! (exclamation points mine; I have a type of punctuation hemochromatosis, where I must be bled of exclamation points at routine intervals, lest my major punctuation organs go into shutdown). I am still trying to organize my own stitching room, after two years in it, so I’d appreciate any type of hints on this topic you care to give. I told Lynn to go look at Posie’s studio as inspiration. any type of others come to mind?

Other vague answers:

“Yes, mostly.””If you want to believe of it that way.””Could be; I’m not sure.””Let’s try it as well as see what happens.””I believed that’s what s/he said.”

Apply freely to your own questions!

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